
The Kenilworth Education Association is a group of dedicated and talented professionals who are united in their mission to provide the children of Kenilworth with the education they deserve.

Our membership is highly qualified with 80% of members having 10+ years of experience in their field of expertise and 90% having earned advanced degrees.


Co-President: Barb Rodriguez (2 Years)

Co-President: Jennifer Comiza (1 Year)

Vice President: Toula Sideris

Secretary: Judi Conaghan

Treasurer: Jim Beavin

Grade Level Representatives

JK-2: Blythe Szafoni

3-5: Jennifer Arra

6-8: Anne Trueman

Specials: Bill Gordon

Special Education: Gabby Noyes

Latest from the blog

Learn More About KEA Goals


The Kenilworth Education Association (KEA) is 59 members strong.  We are educators, social workers, the nurse, the speech pathologist, and the psychologist who work at Sears School.  100% of the Sears faculty belongs... READ MORE

KEA Member Spotlight: Jim Beavin


How many years have you taught at Sears? 9 How many years have you been an educator? 25 What are your degrees & endorsements? B.S. of Zoology, M.Ed. of Teaching and Learning, M.A.... READ MORE